Keoladeo National bird sanctuary, the geo heaven of migrated birds

কেওলাদেও ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় পক্ষী অভয়াৰণ্য, প্ৰব্ৰজন কৰা চৰাইৰ ভূ-স্বৰ্গ Keoladeo National Park, popularly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, is located in Bharatpur, Rajasthan and is considered one of the world’s most important breeding and feeding grounds for birds. It is a bird lover’s paradise as it is home to a wide variety of resident and…

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The Land of Black Magic –

ক’লা যাদুৰ দেশ – মায়ং The mysterious village Mayong is located 45 kilometers from Guwahati, Assam’s capital city. The name Mayong, which is part of the Morigaon district, is derived from the word Maya, which means illusion. The cultural significance of this location stems from the fact that it is still India’s capital of black…

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Heart disease remains the number one killer in India. Doctors suggested some foods that can help keep the heart healthy as part of a balanced diet.

What to Do to keep your heart healthy and disease-free. Always schedule an annual health check, exercise daily, quit smoking, or take steps to reduce stress levels in daily life. All of these can have a positive impact on heart health. But one of the easiest lifestyle changes to benefit your heart is to be…

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বন্ধু এজনে বিয়া খাবলৈ লগ ধৰি লৈ গৈছিল।সাধাৰণতে যিটো হয় সেইটোৱেই হ’ল,বৰ বেয়া সময়ত পালোঁগৈ। ৰিচেপচনত মস্ত ভীৰ। খাবলৈ নামাতেহে নামাতে। এটাৰ পাছত এটা বেটচক খাবলৈ লৈ গৈছে আমাৰ পাল নপৰেই। মই অতীষ্ঠ হলোঁ। বন্ধুৱে মোৰ মনৰ কথা বুজি পালে। সি ক’লে তই দুই মিনিট ৰ। মই ভিতৰত খবৰ এটা কৰি আহোঁগৈ। অলপ পিছতে বন্ধুজন…

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Digitial Education: How to make the best out of it

Every year on November 11, National Education Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first education minister of independent India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Azad, who served from 1947 to 1958, laid the building blocks of the education system in India. With the advent of digital media, education sector in…

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